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EARTH2HEAL™ pillowcase

EARTH2HEAL™ pillowcase

Regular price €45,00
Regular price €45,00 Sale price €60,00
Bespaar 25% Sold out

Discover the soothing power of the earth with our EARTH2HEAL™ duvet cover + pillowcases made of 90% organic cotton infused with 10% silver. Highest silver content in the market!

🙌 Get the best rest with our bedding

💪 High-quality materials

🌟 Experience the benefits of grounding while you sleep

EARTH2HEAL™ pillowcase

EARTH2HEAL™ pillowcase

Regular price €45,00
Regular price €45,00 Sale price €60,00
Bespaar 25% Sold out
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Our grounding sheets are made of 10% high-quality silver yarn and 90% organic cotton. The silver yarn is woven into the cotton, making our sheets very comfortable, more conductive due to the 10% silver content and more durable due to the higher silver percentage.


Maintenance and cleaning

Washing temperature: Wash the sheets with warm water (about 40 degrees Celsius). This helps to remove body sweat and natural oils from the body.

Drying method: Hang the sheets to dry on a clothesline. Tumble drying is possible on low temperature, but line drying is preferred and safer.

Detergents: Do not use fabric softener or liquid detergents containing essential oils or eucalyptus. These can reduce the conductivity of the silver thread."


Sleep your way to a healthier life. Sleeping grounded is a simple and natural way to improve your health. By absorbing the earth's negative ions, you can increase your energy levels, reduce your stress and improve your overall well-being

A. Hoeskuldsson
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Are you tired of feeling tired and stressed all the time?

Grounding can help you regain energy and vitality. By making direct contact with the earth, you can detoxify your body, reduce your stress and improve your sleep

"The abundance of electrical devices in our modern environment can disrupt our biological electrical energy and lead to various health complaints such as sleep problems, chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and frequent headaches or migraines

The earth acts as an infinite reservoir of negative ions, which neutralize our positive charge and help restore our natural energy balance through grounding.

Grounding restores the natural connection between your body and the earth. This provides deep relaxation and has many positive effects, including better sleep, less stress, pain relief, a strengthened immune system, reduced inflammation and more energy. In addition, grounding can improve your mood, increase your concentration and help you recover faster from exertion.

EARTH2HEAL™ grounding products are designed to provide you with a profound and healing experience. Thanks to the high-quality materials and craftsmanship, our products ensure optimal conduction of the earth's energy, so you can enjoy the many benefits of grounding with peace of mind

  • Verminderde bloeddruk

    in een onderzoek van Brown & Chevalier, leidt het gebruik van een geaarde mat tot een significante vermindering van de bloedviscositeit. Kan helpen de bloeddruk te reguleren, de gezondheid van het hart en bloedvaten bevorderen.

  • Verbeteren slaap

    Slaap verbetert door het normaliseren van het circadiane ritme en het verminderen van stress.Ghaly en Teplitz hebben ontdekt dat geaard slapen de natuurlijke balans van het stresshormoon cortisol herstelt. Dit leidt tot een betere nachtrust, minder stress en meer energie

  • Verbeterd herstel

    Oschman et al. concluderendat aarding een positief effect heeft op wondgenezing. Aarding beinvloedt de immuunrespons, wat een cruciale rol speelt bij het genezingsproces. Door de activiteit van witte bloedcellen en andere immuuncellen te moduleren, versnelt de wondgenezing

  • Pijnverlichting

    Aarding kan bijdragen aan verlichting van chronische pijn en een verbeterd welzijn. Dit gebeurt door de elektrische balans in het lichaam te herstellen, waardoor de gevoeligheid voor pijn afneemt en zwellingen minder worden

  • Meer energie

    Sinatra et al. concluderen dat aarding een eenvoudige maar krachtige manier biedt om opnieuw te verbinden met de natuurlijke energie van de aarde en zo het optimale menselijke welzijn te ondersteunen.

    • ★★★★★

      Better equipped

      I have been suffering from insomnia for years. Since I have been using an earthing sheet, I fall asleep much faster and sleep more deeply. I wake up refreshed in the morning.

      Nathalie M

    • ★★★★★

      Less pain

      I have suffered from chronic pain for years. Since I have been grounding I have noticeably less pain and a greater range of motion.

      Bert de Groot

    • ★★★★★


      Since I have been grounding daily, I have noticed a huge decrease in my stress levels. I sleep better, feel more grounded and can better cope with the pressures of my work.

      Melvin Haverkamp

      • 1. Connect the conductor to the mat

      • 2. Connect the conductor to the grounding of your home

      • 3. Make contact with the mat with your bare feet

        EARTH2HEAL™ 2025 DEAL

        €21,21 €33,85
        €122,27 €220,00
        €22,50 €60,00

        Total Price: €165,98 €313,85



        What exactly is grounding?

        Earthing, also called grounding, is coming into direct contact with the earth with bare feet or with special earthing products. This ensures a natural conduction of electrical charges from your body to the earth.


        What are the benefits of grounding?

        Grounding can help you sleep better, reduce stress, relieve pain and inflammation, improve circulation and give you an overall boost of energy


        How often should I ground?

        The ideal is to ground yourself for at least half an hour every day


        Is grounding safe?

        Yes, grounding is a safe and natural way to improve your well-being.


        Can grounding damage electronic devices?

        No, grounding products are specifically designed to be safe for use with electronic devices.